About Us
Healthy Anne Arundel represents county residents, businesses, community associations, faith-based groups, government agencies, health care organizations and schools. This diverse group works together to improve the health and wellness of all Anne Arundel County residents.
Focus Areas
Mental Health and Wellness
Healthy Eating, Acting Living. (HEAL)
Healthcare Access (Coming soon.)
All people have the knowledge, resources and equitable access to care to improve their health and well-being.
Working together to remove barriers and create conditions that improve the health and well-being of all people, focusing on those impacted by health inequities.
Cultural relevance
Quality and length of life
Awareness and access to affordable, timely and quality health care
Priority Strategies
County-wide inventory of the resources that exist in both the private and public health systems
Reduce systemic barriers and complexities in the health care system
Community involvement in decision-making to advance solutions
Culturally competent community navigators and partnerships
Culturally-relevant role models to engage youth and establish healthy norms
Coordinated, multi-media outreach campaign (health education and resource fairs, bilingual outreach)
Free health clinics in targeted communities and around the county
Broader access to affordable health insurance
Address social determinants of health
Priority Strategies
Coordinate with organizations and collaboratives currently working to address social determinants
Trauma-informed and multi-generational approaches
School-based early education social determinants and health outcomes
Broaden access to healthy food (i.e. mobile pantries, farmers markets, community-based food pantries)
Transportation (improve walkability to care)
Universal Wi-Fi for telehealth and technology to improve access to information and connections to care
Economic stability
Eliminating systemic racism and inequitable health outcomes
Priority Strategies
Echo and amplify county-wide public stance denouncing racism
More equitable policies that impact health outcomes (state/federal insurance)
Areas/groups with biggest barriers
Adaptive systems to respond to changing community needs
Funding/grants for specific populations in need of health care
Multidisciplinary, team-based, care approach to identify disparities and ensure data is representative
Collect and share disaggregated, community-level data (zip code, race/ethnicity, income) to identify gaps
Training and education for health providers to strengthen cultural competency
Provider evaluation/accountability for improved and more equitable health outcomes
Results by 2030
All communities are healthy and safe
Improved physical and mental health and well-being
Improved quality of life and life expectancy
Healthy Anne Arundel Chairs
Dr. Fairley
Charlestine Fairley, Ph.D
Chief Executive Officer
Community Action Agency of Anne Arundel County -
Dr. Gedin
Tonii Gedin, DNP, RN
Health Officer
Anne Arundel County Department of Health